Author: Chloe Unsworth

Trans Perspectives on Gender, Art and Politics

When Transitional States was hosted at El Centro de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB) in Spain last year, it offered visitors the opportunity to engage with complex issues around hormones, gender identity, and representations of trans people in the media.   Starting with a public discussion entitled “Trans Perspectives: A Public Discussion on Gender, Art and Politics”, Dr Chiara Beccalossi hosted a panel with no-binary trans activists and influencers, Fox and Owl, and academic Dr Diego Marchante (University of Barcelona).   Throughout discussion the panellists focussed on trans narratives and how the media presents, both now and historically, trans individuals.   Diego, Fox and Owl explained how the absence or silencing of trans voices during production has led to poor and heavily simplified portrayals, resulting in dramatically different presentations and agendas between creations by cis- and trans-led teams. For example, cis production teams deliver content that follows a ‘wrong-body’ narrative, portraying trans individuals as born into...

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